We are traveling again, but not in our RV. As I am sure anyone reading this blog knows, we are in Tokyo visiting Brian & Vanessa and baby Brianna.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Life on Wheels and other things…

After two days at Beaudry we drove the RV ten miles to Rincon Country West RV Resort. It was a slow ten miles! At 5:00 P.M. the traffic was awful and the short ride took over thirty minutes.

We had planned to go down to Sierra Vista for the weekend — the country down there is wide open and excellent for bike riding. However, the forecast for the weekend was cold and windy, so we decided to stay in Tucson.

We checked into Rincon on Friday night for two nights. Early Saturday morning a friend knocked on our door to tell us that there was water leaking from the RV — lots and lots of water! So a call was put in to Beaudry, we packed up the RV and retraced our route (less traffic on Saturday morning).
After about an hour wait, we got the RV back. We had had a heating coil replaced in the hot water heater, and when the tank was put back in place, a washer had not been replaced correctly. Luckily an easy fix, but definitely a royal pain.

On Sunday Eddie rode his bike around Saguaro National Park West. I followed by car and got to take a lot of photos of cacti. Saguaro cacti as far as the eye can see. Link to my Photo Blog to see a few photos that I have had a chance to work on, with more coming later in the week.

As I said the weather has been cold - and the mountains around Tucson (which are spectacular) have received a good amount of snow. I don't know how much, but it was neat to be in the desert and look up to see snow capped mountains!

Since Sunday afternoon we have been dry-camping at Pima Community College, Downtown Campus. Yesterday the Life on Wheels Conference officially opened, and in the morning the flood of participant began parking RVs. Today I teach my first class, with three more on tomorrow and one on Friday. I am ready and, I hope, good to go!

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